
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Readers Brought Wonderful and Tested Prescriptions

Ubqari Magazine - December 2016


One Prescription and Confirmed Redemption from Allergy


Respected Hazrat hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I often keep on reading about prescriptions in the monthly Ubqari and it makes me very happy that many people are benefiting from these prescriptions. I want to share a prescription with the readers of Ubqari, perhaps this has some importance. Many people are suffering from allergy due to pollutions these days. There are various types of allergy eg. blood allergy, skin allergy. There are many types of blood allergy. In childhood I also had blood allergy, due to which lines appeared on my skin. Perhaps I had itch. I got treatment from a hakeem sahib. Apart from taking tablets he also asked me to boil the leaves of neem in water and to take shower with it. This affected my allergy a lot and at last it finished. It is an incident of a few months ago that due to eating extremely food in a wedding of a relative I developed blood allergy again. And that was like that that due to severe itch spots would appear on my skin. Then they became pimples. I showed to Dr. sahib and he gave me antibiotics as usual. I used the medicines for five days but they did not have any special effect. Then I remembered about the prescription of neem that I learned about in the childhood. This time I took leaves of neem along with their stalks and beans. I cleaned them well and washed them with clean water. I put them in a grinding bowl and ground them well and mixed water in them. Then I sieved it and and drank one glass of water early in the morning. It is not easy to drink this bitter water. It is extremely bitter water. For redemption from disease, bitter medicines have to be taken. I continuously drank this water for three days. Then in the middle I gave a pause. If the illness is present then take it again continuously for three days. Like this I drank this water for nine days. My illness vanished completely. Neem is dry in its effect. That is why while using it try to take butter with the breakfast. My late paternal grandmother used to use this prescription of neem. Pimples on the face that have puss in them, for them as well this prescription is used. There are various benefits of the tree of neem. Antibiotics do not have such a big effect as much as the neem’s leaves, sticks and stalks have. This is a tested prescription of mine for many years. If you develop pimples in the summer or itch during the winter, use this prescription and take a shower by boiling its leaves in water as well. So much so the pimples that have puss in them also remove. (Mrs. Abdul Ghaffar, Bani Gaala, Islamabad)






My Tested Spiritual Prescriptions

Readers! Never be arrogant about anything in life. Whether you are respectable, you are wealthy; you have property, factories, or offspring. My experience is that whoever used that thing for showing grandiose, that thing finishes. Allah almighty snatches that thing from life. I have written these sentences for those people who understand. If I quote unprecedented incidents, I can write a book. Readers! If someone needs help, safety or associated with medicine, please do this experiment and perform this zikr. May Allah grant heaven to the reader who wrote this column. Doctors should recite this while checking a patient. Your prescription or diagnosis shall never fail. In daily routine recite this tasbeeh once, if you read more, you will have more benefits. Ordinary people should recite one tasbeeh of [یَاحَیُّ یَاسَلَامُ] in the morning and in the evening.


Readers! If you have lost something, property, cattle, gold, thus anything, recite any durood sharif before beginning and after 3 times. Then recite Surah Fateha once, aayat-ul-kursi once, four quls once, and make dum by conceiving that thing, that thing shall remain safe. If it is lost, you will find it by the grace of Allah.


Perform this deed for safety and make dum on the family members in the morning and in the evening. Especially police officers, army officials and parents while taking the children to school and while bringing them back. This is very precious. Young people suffering from nocturnal discharges should recite this and make dum on the bed from all four sides. This is guaranteed. In the end I shall like to convey my salutations and prayers to Hazrat hakeem sahib, daamat barkaatahum, Allama Laahooti pur-israari sahib and all the readers of Ubqari. (Meena Dar Khan, Kohat)


For Sharpness of Eyesight and Brain


Hoo al-Shaafi: sonfe, 250 grams, almonds, 1kg, small ilaichi, 12 pieces, misri, as required. Usage: Half fry the sonfe on a pan and grind it. Grind all the ingredients finely and save them in a box. Take one tablespoon once in the morning and once in the evening for some time continuously.


A Prescription for Fever: Grind both white potassalum and turmeric powder and fill them in capsules. Take twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, and use it for 3 days. Oldest and most chronic fever will subside.


A Prescription for Fever: Dip saagoodaana in water and keep it. Put sugar and saagoodaana in boiling water. Upon cooking, take it off the stove. Give it to the patient of fever for three days while going to bed. By the will of Allah the fever will heal.


A Free Prescription for the Patient of High Blood Pressure: Take leaves of Eucalyptus tree and smell them. Blood pressure will become normal immediately. This is a wonderful prescription. (M, M, Bhakkar)




If Someone Burns Then a Spiritual Prescription is Present!


Respected hazrat hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! It has been five years that I have been associated with Ubqari. I achieved a lot from your sermons and Ubqari magazine. I have my tested spiritual tips that I am presenting to the readers of Ubqari. Definitely these readers shall benefit from them and it will become a cause of sadqa jaariya for me.


Itch of Fingers Finished at Once:


The joints of my fingers itched. I adopted all sorts of treatments, asked people to make dum, but they would start itching again. One day I read somewhere that whatever illness you have, recite the prayer of Hazrat Ayub (علیہ الصلوۃ و السلام)                                                                                 [بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ الَّذِیْ لَا یَضُرُّمَعَ اسْمِہٖ شَیْئٌ فِیْ الْاَرْضِ وَلَافِیْ السَّمَائِ وَھُوَالسَّمِیْعُ الْعَلِیمُ]. I recited three tasbihs everyday once in the morning and once in the evening and for the whole day innumerable times. My fingers healed that were not getting better for many years.


Spiritual Prescriptions for Burns: One day I was cooking paraathas in the morning. I was running short of time. As soon as I turned the paraatha quickly the whole lot of ghee spilt over the left side of my back. I had no time to apply medicine.                                                           [بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ الَّذِیْ لَا یَضُرُّمَعَ اسْمِہٖ شَیْئٌ فِیْ الْاَرْضِ وَلَافِیْ السَّمَائِ وَھُوَالسَّمِیْعُ الْعَلِیمُ] came to my mind. So I recited it three times. I recited durood sharif three times before the beginning and after and made dum on my hand. I felt so cold that I cannot explain. No sign of a burn or a sore developed on my hand. This is the blessing of the name of Allah Almighty.


I went to get my eyesight checked and the doctor diagnosed me with cataract. For cataract I recited Yasin three times and made dum on the surma and applied it in my eyes. I read about this deed in an issue of Ubqari magazine. I am doing it and I am feeling much better than before. (Irshad Akhtar Qaadri, Wah Cantt)


My Tested Prescription for Asthma and Phlegm


Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I sent your’s rather earlier prescriptions of Ubqari that were tested and they even got published. I am sending two more prescriptions. This prescription is my own tested for releasing phlegm and treating asthma. This has to be used for 15 days only. ھو الشافی: Take one cup of barley and put it in a clay utensil and put it on a stove with a mild flame and keep on moving it with a spoon. When it becomes completely black but it does not turn into ash, grind them. As much powder you have made by grinding it, put as much misri in it. Take one spoon of lukewarm water, eat this with that. Dirty phlegm will be released and asthma shall be healed. Other than this I found the prescription of kidney pain from Ubqari in which equal amounts of 6 things have to be put after grinding and teaspoon has to be taken along with water in the morning and in the evening. This is very nice. Apart from the kidney pain, this is good for the stone of the kidneys, indigestion as well.


 Prescription: I am writing it again so that it reaches the people and that they can benefit from it. ھو الشافی: Soonthe 60 grams, sonfe 60 grams, black salt 60 grams, black pepper 60 grams, noshaadar 60 grams, raai 60 grams. Clean all of these things and grind them and take them with water in the morning and in evening. This is our tested phakki. This is kept in the house for the whole year. It should especially be taken after eating rice. Flue, cold and cough also heal with this. (Mrs. Syed Muhammad Ejaz Shabbir Bukhari, Advocate, Talla Gang)





Wonder of Ayat-ul-Kursi


Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! May Allah bless your offspring, whole family, past and future generations and bestow His bounties on them. Aameen. The responsibility you have taken to serve the tormented humanity, may Allah give you immeasurable rewards for this, by the will of Allah! We are humble and pointless people who can only pray to Allah.

I have three daughters. When all three of them used to be studying at night, they used to get scared of dark. They used to hear voices. Sometimes they used to hear voices of steps. Sometimes sound of falling utensils, sometimes they used to hear the voice of light being switched off, sometimes voice of a woman singing underneath the bed. Now whenever my daughters listen to such a voice, they recite aayat-ul-kursi and the voices stop at once and they do not get scared as well. Other than this I am suffering from high blood pressure for the past 5 years. I could not use the medicines of the doctors due to which I would feel bad often. I am using the spiritual phakki and 70 shafaaien of Ubqari, all praise be to Allah. Due to using these medicines the tablet of my high blood pressure has been quit and I feel better as well. (Mrs. Moazzam, Faisalabad)


The Method to Blow the Patient of Hepatitis


Respected hazrat hakeem sahib Assalam-o-alaikum!Someone gave me the following deed, I am presenting this to the readers of Ubqari. Certainly its use shall be beneficial. It is important for the person who is going to blow to be under ablution. Have the patient stand in the house while facing the qibla. The person who is going to blow the patient should and while reciting Allah Shaafi, Allah Kaafi, he should take the water on which dum has been made in the right hand and sprinkle the water on the face of the patient in such a way that the eyes of the patient are open so that the water can reach the eyes. After this from the front sprinkle the water on the patient from the head to the toe (sprinkle it well on the feet as well). After that the person who is sprinkling should come to the left side of the patient in an anticlockwise manner and should sprinkle the water well on the patient from the head to the toe. Then the person who is sprinkling should come behind the patient in an anticlockwise manner and sprinkle water from the head to the toe. Then he should come to the right side of the person in an anticlockwise manner and sprinkle water from the head to the toe (meaning the person who is sprinkling the water should complete his cycle by moving in an anticlockwise manner). During the whole deed the person who is sprinkling should keep on reciting Allah Shaafi, Allah Kaafi. After sprinkling, the leftover water, on which dum has been made, do not spill it. Rather the patient should drink it after small intervals and finish the water by the evening. Like this after every five days, perform this deed. Note: The water on which dum has been made can be found from the office of monthly Ubqari as well. If you cannot obtain water from there, then take a bottle of water and a few people or yourself should recite Surah Kaafiroun (Chapter 30) on it make dum. And do not let this water finish. Whenever you use it, put more water in it. All the family members and patients should use this water for cooking as well as drinking. This is an extremely easy and tested spiritual prescription. Please test it. (Hamid Ali, Attock)



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